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Metallor pickups??

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 1:37 pm
by peskypesky
Anyone know anything about these? The price sure is nice.

Re: Metallor pickups??

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 10:11 am
by Sinster
Your link isn't working for me.

Re: Metallor pickups??

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 11:12 am
by nomadh
Desc sounds nice. Maybe the same ceramics as the sx p90s we like?
There was this.
Metallor pickups use ceramic magnets as these are even brighter than Alnico V or III, and in higher output pickups to help counter balance the treble lost by the higher resistance (remember higher resistance means more midrange, but less highs if you're using Alnico.

So you alnico swappers.... cut it out. :)

Actually someone mentioned they are an easy swap to A2 mags and dont bother w boutique.