Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2021 3:56 am
Well, it actually arrived over a week ago, but I hadn't had time to mess around with it much besides a cursory tour of the presets, but I started digging into it this past weekend, and all I gotta say is:
This. Thing. Is. BALLS!
All the superlatives you've been hearing about the MG-30? It's all true... ALL of it. It ain't no hype, yo. I've owned a lot of modeling amps and processors, and this is the best frickin' modeling I've ever heard! It sounds like a real amp... It sounds like a top-shelf amp... But moreover, it FEELS like an amp! I spent a lot of time obsessively A/B'ing the MG-30 and my beloved Super Champ X2 back and forth, and the sound and experience were so similar, I often forgot whether I was playing through the MG-30, or going direct into the SCX2. I constantly had to visually check to see which device I was plugged into. I've never played a Kemper, or a Helix, or any of those high-dollar modelers, and I probably never will, but I can't imagine how anything could sound better or more "real" than what I've heard out of this thing so far... I'm just amazed... and I've only scratched the surface.
I love Fender and Vox amps, so the first thing I wanted to hear was their Deluxe Reverb model, and it did not disappoint me. It sounds very convincing and detailed, and very similar to the '57 Deluxe model (my favorite) on the SCX2. But it sounded a little too bright and hot. It lacked the... I call it "shoulder" of a Fender amp. It's hard to describe... It didn't have that round, kind of underlying "girthiness" around the "edges" that a Deluxe (or any Fender amp, really) has. I first adjusted the EQ on the virtual amp, but that didn't quite get it, then I realized I could adjust the bias (!), which was set a little too hot in my opinion (in fact the bias of all of the Fender and Vox models were set a little too hot in my opinion), so I rolled that back a bit, and there it was... Sounded perfect. It felt like I had the real thing in the room!
If there is one thing that can be said about this unit, it's that it gives you ALL KINDS of control over the sound. WAY more than I've ever seen. I've always felt somewhat straight-jacketed with other processors and modeling amps, and got frustrated easily, but I feel as free as a bird using this thing. It's super intuitive, which is good, because their user manual is a joke. It's written well enough, but it doesn't really show you how to do anything. Fortunately, most of the stuff you can figure out on your own. For the few things I was still puzzled about, I just went to their website and got hip. Since it's so easy to navigate, the learning curve is shallow. It's a very visual interface, and there isn't a lot of menu diving, or pages of settings, or having to remember how to get where you want to go. Those kinds of things make me not want to use a device to its fullest potential. I actually enjoy using the "Quick Tone" editing software, and I feel equally comfortable using the controls on the device. That never happens. And I can't think of anything that you can do with the editor that you can't do with the physical controls. That also never happens. It's really nice to use something for the first time that works the way you expect it to. A way that makes sense.
At first I plugged the MG-30 into my interface and used my studio monitors, and it sounded really good, but then I plugged into the clean channel of the SCX2 and it sounded AWESOME... which I attribute to the bigger speaker and the tube power amp. I did a fair amount of fretting over whether I should get an FRFR cabinet, but I'm not worried about that anymore. If it sounds good, it is good, but with all the tonal control you have, I have no doubt you could make this thing sound great through anything. I can say without the slightest twinge of hyperbole that this thing could literally replace your amp .
I haven't even messed with the effects much, or the drums (though the drums sound very good!), or the IRs, or a lot of the other features, but I was so impressed with the amp sounds in this thing, I wanted to holler about it a little.
I'm gonna leave it here, because it's pretty late, but I'll be back with more of my experiences and opinions.
Oh yeah... Pics or it didn't happen...
I know... I have cable management problems.
This. Thing. Is. BALLS!
All the superlatives you've been hearing about the MG-30? It's all true... ALL of it. It ain't no hype, yo. I've owned a lot of modeling amps and processors, and this is the best frickin' modeling I've ever heard! It sounds like a real amp... It sounds like a top-shelf amp... But moreover, it FEELS like an amp! I spent a lot of time obsessively A/B'ing the MG-30 and my beloved Super Champ X2 back and forth, and the sound and experience were so similar, I often forgot whether I was playing through the MG-30, or going direct into the SCX2. I constantly had to visually check to see which device I was plugged into. I've never played a Kemper, or a Helix, or any of those high-dollar modelers, and I probably never will, but I can't imagine how anything could sound better or more "real" than what I've heard out of this thing so far... I'm just amazed... and I've only scratched the surface.
I love Fender and Vox amps, so the first thing I wanted to hear was their Deluxe Reverb model, and it did not disappoint me. It sounds very convincing and detailed, and very similar to the '57 Deluxe model (my favorite) on the SCX2. But it sounded a little too bright and hot. It lacked the... I call it "shoulder" of a Fender amp. It's hard to describe... It didn't have that round, kind of underlying "girthiness" around the "edges" that a Deluxe (or any Fender amp, really) has. I first adjusted the EQ on the virtual amp, but that didn't quite get it, then I realized I could adjust the bias (!), which was set a little too hot in my opinion (in fact the bias of all of the Fender and Vox models were set a little too hot in my opinion), so I rolled that back a bit, and there it was... Sounded perfect. It felt like I had the real thing in the room!
If there is one thing that can be said about this unit, it's that it gives you ALL KINDS of control over the sound. WAY more than I've ever seen. I've always felt somewhat straight-jacketed with other processors and modeling amps, and got frustrated easily, but I feel as free as a bird using this thing. It's super intuitive, which is good, because their user manual is a joke. It's written well enough, but it doesn't really show you how to do anything. Fortunately, most of the stuff you can figure out on your own. For the few things I was still puzzled about, I just went to their website and got hip. Since it's so easy to navigate, the learning curve is shallow. It's a very visual interface, and there isn't a lot of menu diving, or pages of settings, or having to remember how to get where you want to go. Those kinds of things make me not want to use a device to its fullest potential. I actually enjoy using the "Quick Tone" editing software, and I feel equally comfortable using the controls on the device. That never happens. And I can't think of anything that you can do with the editor that you can't do with the physical controls. That also never happens. It's really nice to use something for the first time that works the way you expect it to. A way that makes sense.
At first I plugged the MG-30 into my interface and used my studio monitors, and it sounded really good, but then I plugged into the clean channel of the SCX2 and it sounded AWESOME... which I attribute to the bigger speaker and the tube power amp. I did a fair amount of fretting over whether I should get an FRFR cabinet, but I'm not worried about that anymore. If it sounds good, it is good, but with all the tonal control you have, I have no doubt you could make this thing sound great through anything. I can say without the slightest twinge of hyperbole that this thing could literally replace your amp .
I haven't even messed with the effects much, or the drums (though the drums sound very good!), or the IRs, or a lot of the other features, but I was so impressed with the amp sounds in this thing, I wanted to holler about it a little.

Oh yeah... Pics or it didn't happen...
I know... I have cable management problems.