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Talk to me about lunchbox amps

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 1:06 am
by MattFireblade
Alright, since I'm getting back into guitar again more and more, I'm on the hunt for a lunchbox tube head. Mostly looking for something that can do heavier modern tones, though versatility would be good. So far, I'm looking at the Jet City JCA22h Custom (if I could find one..), Peavey Invective MH, Mesa Mini Rec, maybe the 6505 MH. I've also thought about maybe picking up a Genz Benz El Diablo 60 (again, if I could find it).
So far, for cost:tone ratio, the Invective MH seems to be in the lead from what I can hear, but they're out of stock til September-ish, so I have time to look at other options.

Re: Talk to me about lunchbox amps

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 7:22 am
by zisme
Unless you absolutely have to have tubes, I'd suggest taking a look at the AMT Stonehead 50-4. Great sounding 4-channel solid state that excels at modern high gain.

Re: Talk to me about lunchbox amps

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:34 am
by dabbler
I don't do heavy stuff, but I'll still put in a plug for Quilter heads. I bought my first one as a MF SDOTD and was quite surprised at the tone and performance! Mine were on SDOTD because apparently their original tone controls (which were not the standard BMT) was not appreciated by players. But they work for me!

Re: Talk to me about lunchbox amps

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:44 am
by golem
dabbler wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:34 am I don't do heavy stuff, but I'll still put in a plug for Quilter heads. I bought my first one as a MF SDOTD and was quite surprised at the tone and performance! Mine were on SDOTD because apparently their original tone controls (which were not the standard BMT) was not appreciated by players. But they work for me!
The Pro Block 200? I've owned the OD200 and the Pro Block 200. I actually prefer the weird EQ controls on the Pro Block 200 but perhaps I'm in the minority. That limiter control is a big part of what I love about that amp. If the OP wants high gain they'll have to use pedals, but it does work worth pedals well. I can get high gain on that amp with a Boneshaker.

I'll post this here though since the request was for tubes

Re: Talk to me about lunchbox amps

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:57 am
by Rollin Hand
You may want to take a look at the 5150III LBX models as well.

I like my 6505MH plenty, but a part of that is how it sounds through my Mesa Recto 2x12.

Re: Talk to me about lunchbox amps

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 9:50 am
by aullucci
Not sure if they're heavy enough for what you play, but I've always loved the Orange lunchbox heads and they have a few different choices for not outrageous money. I think the Dark Terror sounds great and the OR15 too.

Re: Talk to me about lunchbox amps

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 10:56 am
by dabbler
golem wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:44 am
dabbler wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:34 am I don't do heavy stuff, but I'll still put in a plug for Quilter heads. I bought my first one as a MF SDOTD and was quite surprised at the tone and performance! Mine were on SDOTD because apparently their original tone controls (which were not the standard BMT) was not appreciated by players. But they work for me!
The Pro Block 200? I've owned the OD200 and the Pro Block 200. I actually prefer the weird EQ controls on the Pro Block 200 but perhaps I'm in the minority. That limiter control is a big part of what I love about that amp. If the OP wants high gain they'll have to use pedals, but it does worth pedals well. I can get high gain on that amp with a Boneshaker.

I'll post this here though since the request was for tubes

Yes, Problock 200. Actually, the first one I got was a Mini101 and I was so impressed with that, that when the Problock went on SDOTD I JUMPED on it! Not because I needed the 200W, I don't, but because the ONLY thing missing on the 101 was Reverb.

I'm not going to lie, there is a learning curve for the nonstandard tone controls, but once you get used to them, there is a LOT of flexibility in these amps with just a LITTLE knob twisting! 8-)

To finish my experience, I then bought a used Bass Block. I didn't need 800 watts either, but for something that only weighs something like 4lbs runs on any kind of wall power and has the great tone this thing has, I don't know what more I could ask for!

Re: Talk to me about lunchbox amps

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 11:43 am
by MattFireblade
zisme wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 7:22 am Unless you absolutely have to have tubes, I'd suggest taking a look at the AMT Stonehead 50-4. Great sounding 4-channel solid state that excels at modern high gain.
I really dig the rhythm tone I heard from that, it's very similar to the Peavey Invective from what I could hear in videos. Definitely would be one that it would be nice to hear in person to see how well it plays at low volume.
golem wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:44 am
dabbler wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:34 am I don't do heavy stuff, but I'll still put in a plug for Quilter heads.
The Pro Block 200? I've owned the OD200 and the Pro Block 200. I actually prefer the weird EQ controls on the Pro Block 200 but perhaps I'm in the minority. That limiter control is a big part of what I love about that amp. If the OP wants high gain they'll have to use pedals, but it does worth pedals well. I can get high gain on that amp with a Boneshaker.

I'll post this here though since the request was for tubes...
Quilter stuff is awesome. I'm trying to avoid rebuilding a board for now (as long as I can, anyway :D ) but Quilter makes amazing gear for sure.

Dabbler, I can't tell you how many times I've listened to that video with different headphones :lol:
aullucci wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 9:50 am Not sure if they're heavy enough for what you play, but I've always loved the Orange lunchbox heads and they have a few different choices for not outrageous money. I think the Dark Terror sounds great and the OR15 too.
I'm a huge fan of the OR-15 and Rocker 15 heads, but ideally, I'm looking for something to use without a boost or overdrive pedal up front, but the Rocker 15 would probably be my first choice for a more British toned amp for sure.
Rollin Hand wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:57 am You may want to take a look at the 5150III LBX models as well.

I like my 6505MH plenty, but a part of that is how it sounds through my Mesa Recto 2x12.
My old lead guitarist had one of the 5150III heads, and it may be how he used it or set it up, but it always seemed too fizzy for what I like. As for my cab, it's a 212 that I think is the same dimensions as the Recto 212s, if not identical, it's close.

Re: Talk to me about lunchbox amps

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 12:59 pm
by jtcnj
i had the Orange Micro Terror for a while; dont know if thats the tone you seek but they are gainy, LOUD, and cheap used at around $100.
12ax7 tube preamp + ss power section