Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2023 2:48 pm
Hi. I don't know Jon Way, but after seeing so many of his YouTube demos I didn't hesitate on this one of 5 or 6 guitars he listed on Reverb. It intrigued me and I admittedly bought it on impulse. I just like the look, and apparently this model came out before I was aware Rondo existed. I missed that early wave entirely.
This guitar, I decided, is a PRSX. The official model name is SX KY1 CUS 22 LH NA. That's a mouthful. It's an SX take on a PRS Custom 22 singlecut with natural finish. What is the "KY" for? Nobody talks about it. I won't ask Kurt. That could be another conversation altogether. I'll just call it the PRSX because I can remember that without chuckling. I dig the birds.
I gave the whole guitar a cleaning and the fretboard soaked up some oil, looking much better. The body is a little thinner than most, and that makes a difference. With a mahogany neck and body and a maple cap, I was shocked by how light it is - 6 lbs, 7 oz. That's the same weight as my B&G Little Sister, which is a small bodied semihollow. I have to guess the SX is chambered to the point of being basically semihollow, just without the F holes. But it doesn't have the woody overtones you might expect from that.
I don't know about the original pickups because Jon changed them out at some point. I'd say these pickups might be the weak point of the guitar. They sound alright but lack clarity and character. On the other hand, I see the cheapest tiny pots in the control cavity, and those might be the tone suckers instead of the pickups. I'll probably swap them first. The neck is an awesome fit for me - it's thick but is not over the top. It plays great. The setup was spot-on for me. So great playing, great feeling, great looking guitar lacking some tone. I am betting I can change that last remaining barrier to loving the guitar.
That was back when I was PRS-curious. I didn't know if I would like a PRS feel, and I didn't want to spend PRS money to find out. I tried a HB PRS copy and it went back as fast as I could send it (which Thomann made painfully slow), but the shape was fine. Later, I bought a PRS SE and was pretty happy with it - still am. It's not tonally incredible, but it is very versatile and plays well. So yes, I can work with PRS-ish guitars. I just don't want to spend core money on one.This guitar, I decided, is a PRSX. The official model name is SX KY1 CUS 22 LH NA. That's a mouthful. It's an SX take on a PRS Custom 22 singlecut with natural finish. What is the "KY" for? Nobody talks about it. I won't ask Kurt. That could be another conversation altogether. I'll just call it the PRSX because I can remember that without chuckling. I dig the birds.
I gave the whole guitar a cleaning and the fretboard soaked up some oil, looking much better. The body is a little thinner than most, and that makes a difference. With a mahogany neck and body and a maple cap, I was shocked by how light it is - 6 lbs, 7 oz. That's the same weight as my B&G Little Sister, which is a small bodied semihollow. I have to guess the SX is chambered to the point of being basically semihollow, just without the F holes. But it doesn't have the woody overtones you might expect from that.
I don't know about the original pickups because Jon changed them out at some point. I'd say these pickups might be the weak point of the guitar. They sound alright but lack clarity and character. On the other hand, I see the cheapest tiny pots in the control cavity, and those might be the tone suckers instead of the pickups. I'll probably swap them first. The neck is an awesome fit for me - it's thick but is not over the top. It plays great. The setup was spot-on for me. So great playing, great feeling, great looking guitar lacking some tone. I am betting I can change that last remaining barrier to loving the guitar.