NGD X2, Agile edition

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When I heard that Gibson was raising the price of the LP Standard to $3k, I knew that something must be done.

So, I bought two Agile ALs:
Well, it didn't happen quite that way.

At first I found an AL2000 lemonburst with a USA Bigsby B7 and Vibramate that I bought purely for the Bigsby. The pickups had been changed to GFS VEHs, which sound surprisingly good. I'd originally planned on removing the Bigsby and flipping the guitar, but it's grown on me and I decided it'd make a good guitar to keep at work. Lemonburst isn't my favorite, but it's a cool guitar. I ordered a set of nickel silver humbucker covers for it, because I don't like the double white.

Then, a cherryburst AL3000 showed up on Craigslist at a reasonable price. Call me boring, but cherry sunburst is my favorite color on humbucker LPs. The price was reasonable, but ultimately I didn't really need it. A week later though, the price had dropped to "just do it". It's the old version with the open book headstock and 2-wire pickups. I really like the 4-wire pickups in the newer ALs, but these sound pretty good too.

Interesting note- the AL2000 weighs in at 9 pounds (with the Bigsby), but the AL3000 is a whopping 10.5 pounds without a Bigsby. I was thinking about swapping the Bigsby over to the AL3000, but jeez... I'm not the kind of guy who whines about the weight of guitars, but that gives me pause.

The très cool open-book headstock:
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Coupla beauties!
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Lemons and Cherries !
Nice cameltoe headstock too.
We dont get many Agile NGD any more. Nice to see.
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Beyer160 wrote: Tue Apr 04, 2023 4:11 pm When I heard that Gibson was raising the price of the LP Standard to $3k, I knew that something must be done.

So, I bought two Agile ALs:


Well, it didn't happen quite that way.

At first I found an AL2000 lemonburst with a USA Bigsby B7 and Vibramate that I bought purely for the Bigsby. The pickups had been changed to GFS VEHs, which sound surprisingly good. I'd originally planned on removing the Bigsby and flipping the guitar, but it's grown on me and I decided it'd make a good guitar to keep at work. Lemonburst isn't my favorite, but it's a cool guitar. I ordered a set of nickel silver humbucker covers for it, because I don't like the double white.

Then, a cherryburst AL3000 showed up on Craigslist at a reasonable price. Call me boring, but cherry sunburst is my favorite color on humbucker LPs. The price was reasonable, but ultimately I didn't really need it. A week later though, the price had dropped to "just do it". It's the old version with the open book headstock and 2-wire pickups. I really like the 4-wire pickups in the newer ALs, but these sound pretty good too.

Interesting note- the AL2000 weighs in at 9 pounds (with the Bigsby), but the AL3000 is a whopping 10.5 pounds without a Bigsby. I was thinking about swapping the Bigsby over to the AL3000, but jeez... I'm not the kind of guy who whines about the weight of guitars, but that gives me pause.

The très cool open-book headstock:

Sweet Vintage Agile headstock! I'm green with envy! :mrgreen:
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Congrats and enjoy!

It´s been a while since the last Agile NGD! (even if they´re not really new).
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Congratulations! Both of those are sweet! Agree with others that we haven't been seeing Agile NGD posts of late. This was refreshing. We need more......
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Excellent, 2 really nice looking AL's there. And as others have mentioned the old headstock is very cool. Who would have thought that "vintage" would ever be associated with Agile ;-)
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The only reason I dont own any Agile AL is the weight.
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I wonder why Agile went out of fashion? I've had three Agiles before this, but sold them all off as I found good deals on used Gibsons to replace them. I never forgot how cool the ALs are, though.

The cherryburst is now my office guitar, the Bigsby has been removed from the lemonburst to go on a goldtop w/P90s, and the lemonburst is up on Craigslist. It may sit for a while, and that's fine. I never mind having cool guitars laying around.
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Those look great! I still play my 3100 often even though I have Gibson as well.

I also keep my eye out on Craigslist for affordable Agiles. Most are priced at or above new price
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Agree on Agile prices - GC listing several AL2000's over $400 now.
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