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Ghosts (demo)

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2024 1:36 am
by helsinkirocks
Here is something I came up with tonight.
This is where I'm at after 2 hours (from coming up with the initial guitar part to what is here)
Curious what you guys will think!

this was done in reaper, through amplitube using a 2013 les paul studio p90

Re: Ghosts (demo)

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2024 9:09 am
by toomanycats
You've got a wonderful open and unresolved feeling going on between those two chords which is accentuated by the swelling dissonant fills at the beginning of every first measure. The really challenge will be to segue this into a satisfying bridge and chorus, ideally one that defies the listener's expectations and gives the song a singularly unique feeling.

On top of that I expect you'll add a vocal melody and maybe even some lead guitar.

I love the creative process. Definitely keep going with this and keep us posted on your developments.