Some Slide Guitar For A Change
Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2023 10:14 am
I don't consider myself much of a slide player. I know guys who really are great. Like anything else, it's something you've got to dedicate some serious time and study to, which I haven't. I bought a glass slide many years ago on 48th Street in NYC, with the intention of allocating the time to get my slide playing together. What I've mostly learned in that time is that my fingers keep getting fatter as the years progress, and the slide subsequently becomes increasingly more difficult to wear.
The greatest insight I've received about slide playing is through listening to a Warren Haynes instructional book and CD I borrowed from a friend. Like Warren, I play slide mostly in standard tuning, like on this tune.
The greatest insight I've received about slide playing is through listening to a Warren Haynes instructional book and CD I borrowed from a friend. Like Warren, I play slide mostly in standard tuning, like on this tune.