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Training room recording

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 12:07 pm
by deeaa

Here's one song of today's play session. I'm looking into how to quickly get decent quality audio, here it's combined from the desk and a video camera. I think this is probably good enough for demos and such, just gotta do some better takes. We did like 5 older songs like this today, just left it running and played.

I'm thinking I could do a podcast type live thing like this with the band next. Just gotta try and look a little more lively and less tired and play better :-)

I'm using my refinished Dean VX with a Gibson pickup into a Victory V30 thru a 4x10". Lead guy, Petri, is using a Music Man Majesty into an AxeFX2 and a 2x12".

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Re: Training room recording

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2023 8:54 am
by tlarson58
Where's the bassist? Ha. Par for the course.

Re: Training room recording

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2023 9:16 am
by deeaa
Heh, yeah, gotta get the guys in the frame too the next time. Also do a bit more's surprisingly clear but there are certainly some easy improvements to make it better.

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Re: Training room recording

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2023 9:20 am
by deeaa

Another, more ballad -like. And a rarity in that I play a solo part. I think there's only two songs where I do. Petri is such a monster shredder it makes no sense for me to step on his turf except for more moody, slower leads that I can handle well. Only that we have very few slower songs :-) so my lead playing in this band is almost exclusively intro melodies and such.

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Re: Training room recording

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 12:07 am
by Narsh
Always enjoy your stuff bud!

Re: Training room recording

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 12:27 am
by deeaa

Trying to improve sound quality with more tests from our sessions.

Still not good enough for general release, need more practice and I wish there was something we could do about vocal mics bleeding so badly. A lot of the sound bleeds thru them.

Brand new song, just wrote the lyrics the night before this so still struggling to follow them while playing.

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Re: Training room recording

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 1:26 pm
by SamIV
Alright, tight playing, good songs, still waiting on your second book, and how old is that TV?

Re: Training room recording

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 1:39 pm
by deeaa
SamIV wrote:Alright, tight playing, good songs, still waiting on your second book, and how old is that TV?
Hehehe, well I don't think I'll likely write another till I retire. Or at least till my kids leave the house :-)

Nobody knows how old the TV is. Probably at least 30 years. Never seen it turned on, maybe it doesn't work. But it gives a nice element of tension when we can never be sure if it might some day fall on the drummer :-)

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Re: Training room recording

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2023 3:29 am
by nomadh
Wow. Just wow. Tight. Good songwriting. Good tones and playing . Great vocals.
I just wish the vocals were higher or more clear in the mix. The band deserves a better demo but only an idiot couldn't tell how good this band is.
Rock on

Re: Training room recording

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2023 3:40 am
by deeaa
Thanks nomadh :-) yeah the biggest problem is sound leakage to vocal mics. a HUGE amount of noise thru there. If I kill the vocal mics it's sounding basically like a studio recording almost. But for the sake of videoing I need to face the camera and the speakers blast right into the mics. Maybe we can try and set up the speakers the other way somehow, there's just not much room really.

I'm thinking about setting up a permanent web cam there, and then we could very easily record stuff like this at every practice. But certainly we'll be also making a proper recording again, already have four new songs for the next release, probably make an EP next instead of a full album, or even just release singles. We just only released our latest single Garden a few months back.