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Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2022 10:49 pm
by Narsh
This one came out of a dream last night. It has a lot of parts that manifested as I recorded it. Definitely hope you guys like it and I can't wait to hear what you think. Its a long one at over 8 mins though...

Re: Epic Little Prog Tune - PLEASE CHECK THIS ONE OUT

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 9:27 am
by peskypesky
Eight minutes? That's short! I listen to Topographic Oceans regularly!

Listening to your tune now....

Re: Epic Little Prog Tune - PLEASE CHECK THIS ONE OUT

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 9:37 am
by peskypesky
My review:
It's beyond incredible....and as with every time I listen to one of your songs, it makes me want to give up playing guitar.

Which is why I don't often listen to them. They depress me. :(

Re: Epic Little Prog Tune - PLEASE CHECK THIS ONE OUT

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 9:50 pm
by bleys21
That is one killer tune! Its one of the more "epic" things you've written, I think. I was sad when it ended, as I wanted it to just keep going, and going...

And I can understand where pesky is coming from, as sometimes I hear what other folks can do, and I just can't play that well. But I know Enrique has played for a long time, and has put in tons of practice, and I haven't. Plus, I'm pretty sure he's more naturally talented than I am :-) But that's ok, I decided I'd just enjoy playing, even as crappy as I am lol.

Re: Epic Little Prog Tune - PLEASE CHECK THIS ONE OUT

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2022 8:17 pm
by Narsh
Thanks fellas. I always played for the concert crowd in my head. I write what I want to hear and hope that others will enjoy the journey as much as I enjoyed it. I have put in tons of hours.. actually just did the math 12,755 hours between ages 12-19 (5hrs per day)and 49,275 2hrs per day avg) between 19-46 years. That’s a lot of hours and still have plenty to learn. Chasing perfection here…