Permamant Waves

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Playing around with my new FM3. The options are endless.

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I don't know what an FM3 is, though that doesn't matter.
There is naked honesty on this track, which is what matters most.
“There are only two means of refuge from the miseries of life: Music and Cats!” Albert Schweitzer
Tonray's Ghost
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When I saw the title it reminded me of the time when some girl I met at college talked me into letting her give me a perm. For the next 2 months I looked like a cross between Mike Bloomfield and Linc from Mod Squad.
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I thought this was going to be a Rush thread. But that's ok. Some really cool tones here. I'm guessing this is from the Fractal FM3.
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Good stuff Doc.
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Thank you for the kind words. Yeah, I got a fractal for Christmas and I've really been enjoying it. The effects with the fractal are just ridiculous, and the ability to modify your tone is endless to the point of sometimes being stuck in option paralysis. I was using a free profiler called Tonocracy that uses NAM profiles for the last year, and my only complaint with it is that it was very CPU hungry. To be completely honest, the profiles from Tonocracy are the best amp sims I've ever heard, but the effects on the fractal just beats it by a mile.
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The tune stands up regardless of the effects. Nice work. Love the backing guitar. You do a good job of weaving ideas in and out of your compositions.
Tommy Larson
Steamboat Springs, CO
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