I've just noticed the past month that the built-in Windows/Edge spellchecker doesn't seem to work on AGF anymore. What's weird is that the gramatical checker does but I'm free to mispell words to my heart's content. I definitely would have noticed this before and assume it was either a Microsft or AGF sofftware update/upgrade.
It's really just an annoyance so no need to make a project out of it, I'm curious more than anything....
Windows/MS Edge browser spellchecking issues with AGF?
Seems to work fine in Chrome so it must be an MS Edge problem. Strange that it works on other forums, just not AGF...
Delightful mix of insolence, arrogance and narcissism
Proud RINO trapped in a heavy metal chassis
Growing up, only kid in the neighborhood with an Uncle Ahkbar
Proud RINO trapped in a heavy metal chassis
Growing up, only kid in the neighborhood with an Uncle Ahkbar
What browser are you currently using?
Delightful mix of insolence, arrogance and narcissism
Proud RINO trapped in a heavy metal chassis
Growing up, only kid in the neighborhood with an Uncle Ahkbar
Proud RINO trapped in a heavy metal chassis
Growing up, only kid in the neighborhood with an Uncle Ahkbar