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Got to Love Family

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 11:06 am
by fatjack
Backstory here is I had moved into my Mom,s hose renting a room and splitting bills some time back due to my disabilties and her willing for some company. Anything I owned stayed in my room. Then comes the leg break and stay here on the rehab/ nursing home.While I was here she couldn't stand the idea of the gitars in the closet and 2 amps against the wall so they went to the garage in the spring. Long story short I asked for the maintance tools and strings I had in drawers there brought to me. the drawers were specified half the stuff was missing and no strings.Someone decided to clean out the drawers and threw away the strings and other things or put them in the garage where they will never be found. So I had to buy strings instead of use some of the 4 packs I should have had. Suspect my brother as he somewhat ocd and very much a minimalist. Love them to death but they kill me with this stuff.

Re: Got to Love Family

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 11:22 am
by BatUtilityBelt
I suspect every family is different. There are 2 types in my family: Those who occasionally annoy me and I get along fine with, and those I never talk to anymore. I am happy for the first bunch.

Re: Got to Love Family

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 1:34 pm
by fatjack
Actually I love my family excepting a first cousin ( the family know it all / pontificatr). My brother I love dearly I just get highly annoyed when he decides he has to reorganize and "clean up" to suit his style not mine when it comes to my stuff . My mother love her and I got what her issue was I just hadn't sold anything.Actually I paid rent split bills 50/50 and bought 80% of the food and cooked so I wasn't taking advantage.

Re: Got to Love Family

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 2:03 pm
by uwmcscott
I'm pretty sure we all have some of "those people" in our family. And on the flip side we are also probably one of "those people" to someone else - we are each very different creatures of habit.

All the things that have happened in our world lately have really made me think though. The isolation especially - and of course the death. If you knew the next time you saw someone might be the last, or that you might never get the chance...what might I say or do differently? I'm not suggesting ( nor even imagining ) that I'll get along with everyone, nor that it's even possible to do so. But over the past year I have lost people close to me that I did not get to see before they died to say goodbye, I'm sure many/most of you are also in the same boat.

Re: Got to Love Family

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 11:56 pm
by Razzle
Hey I'm sorry to hear all that. Is it just me, it seems that is all off the rails disrepect. You're already dealing with some disabilities, and your mom is throwing your guitars in the garage? I duuno man, I'm sorry to hear all that. Thanks for sharing, hope it helps to talk about it.

Re: Got to Love Family

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2020 9:33 am
by uwmcscott
@fatjack - thought i'd also mention if you need any stuff I've got a couple bins of miscellaneous guitar items/parts collecting dust around here, I'm sure plenty of others do too - let us know if you need anything. We can't replace your family members but we can possibly help with the missing items!

Re: Got to Love Family

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2020 4:05 pm
by fatjack
uwmcscott wrote: Wed Dec 16, 2020 9:33 am @fatjack - thought i'd also mention if you need any stuff I've got a couple bins of miscellaneous guitar items/parts collecting dust around here, I'm sure plenty of others do too - let us know if you need anything. We can't replace your family members but we can possibly help with the missing items!
Thanks for the offer but it's mainly odds and ends . Things I probably won't ever need , just the irritation of having something disappearing without explanation.

Re: Got to Love Family

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2020 8:04 pm
by RokDog
Locks on your room/stuff and perhaps make it clear to them that your things are not to be touched unless you are there facilitating the move. .

Hope your gear survived it's garage storage

Re: Got to Love Family

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2020 11:52 am
by fatjack
Guessing the gear pretty much has survived the garage. Basing this on the AL3100 that i had brought over. Other than the fretboard being a bit dry but not badly dried and just a touch of tarnish spots on the p'ups and tailpiece. And of course dead strings but I expected dead strings from sitting under tension like that.

Re: Got to Love Family

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2020 2:46 pm
by nomadh
fatjack wrote: Tue Dec 15, 2020 1:34 pm Actually I love my family excepting a first cousin ( the family know it all / pontificatr). My brother I love dearly I just get highly annoyed when he decides he has to reorganize and "clean up" to suit his style not mine when it comes to my stuff . My mother love her and I got what her issue was I just hadn't sold anything.Actually I paid rent split bills 50/50 and bought 80% of the food and cooked so I wasn't taking advantage.
You can love family and still threaten a beating. (For the brother, not the mother :) you're stuck just managing mothers best you can