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Re: Some familiar names are very quiet...

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2020 9:28 pm
by uwmcscott
Frozensoda wrote: Wed Oct 28, 2020 9:14 pm I’ve been quiet, my left wrist has been hurting so I can’t fret a neck without discomfort, so no guitar playing since early pandemic days.
I’ve just been bummed, tired and overwhelmed all at the same time. I’ve got some personal issues, and health issues that I’m working through.
I hope to be more active on this forum as I’m working on getting my head, and personal problems, sorted out.
And, teaching all online is fucking exhausting.
Best wishes to sort things out - it's a really tough time to do it for sure.

I worked in various levels of distance ed and online instruction for 20 years at our state university, and that was the first thing we always told our facutly and is MORE work than less - both in preparation and consumption.

Re: Some familiar names are very quiet...

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 12:12 pm
by TVvoodoo
I check in daily, try to add something at least every few days. I feel like I am missing the traditional engaging content to keep me here exploring. NGDs, songs, projects. Guilty of not adding much of those myself. No NGDs, had a NAD coming, (spark), but after they started showing up all over the place for folks who ordered months after I did, I cancelled, they paid me back immediately. I don't think they wanted the trouble of sending to me where I am. I am working on a tele project... but it's slow, while I'm fighting to earn every buck I can. I too find posting here more of a PITA due to how it seems to be set up. log in every time, even if I've been in a few minutes prior. Go to full editor, cut/paste each pic link. Not complaining about it, it is what it is, still grateful we even have what we have.

I've been scrambling a bit, trying to cobble up some income. I've joined another guitar forum for fresh eyes, which has been worthwhile. I think I might have to keep doing that - but every time I do, its such a time suck to gain a presence and win people over - Started up on F-book, instagram - doesn't seem worth the effort... yet, for all the time it eats up. Also seems to be really slow on my internet service... like there is so much data mining goin on in the background or something... forever waiting to open bullshit "you need to boost this post" notifications - Also been getting firewood laid in for the winter.

I don't know what else to say, that's where I am. Still here, just reduced presence. I still love you my brothers! For all you suffering physical health issues, and family too.... maple flavoured MOJO sended! None of us are getting any younger.

Re: Some familiar names are very quiet...

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 12:53 pm
by Gear_Junky
Ok, since we are all suffering from lack of content, I am about to post in the "LP type guitar" thread. It's a gloomy day, so the pic quality will be as available :)

Re: Some familiar names are very quiet...

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 9:57 pm
by Believer
Still not real comfortable with the new board. Also, I've added assistant HS football coach to go with Head Bowling coach to my duties along with teaching European history, US Government, and Economics. Trying to renovate two houses in my spare? time.

Re: Some familiar names are very quiet...

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 1:29 am
by tlarson58
I have lots to say, but I'll try to condense it.

There's not a lot of luster out there.

I used to love this forum but I've socially distanced myself at work and in the community to the point where I've become socially distant here and other avenues of camaraderie.

Covid norms, the political divide and now daylight savings time are wearing me down.

Oh, and my wife has started menopause. So I have that going for me.

All bitching and joking aside, I'm healthy and surrounded by loved ones. I consider myself fortunate and blessed (except for menopause and daylight savings time).

BTW: It's 11:30 right now. This day has gone on for-ev-er and I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be biologically tired or not.

Re: Some familiar names are very quiet...

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 9:09 am
by Gear_Junky
tlarson58 wrote: Mon Nov 02, 2020 1:29 am ...I used to love this forum but I've socially distanced myself at work and in the community...
I enjoy being socially distanced from coworkers. They had this stupid corporate claptrap going where they gave us surveys asking if you have "a best friend at work", forcing us to "engage", department picnics, happy hours, a bunch of them yapping and laughing near my cubicle, etc. Team work is fine, but I don't need/want to spend an extra second with coworkers that is not work-related. "Community" to me is a meaningless word, it's a false construct when referring to a geographic concentration of residents. When people willingly come together based on some shared values, that's community. Friends are friends, no need to distance from them, but I don't spend time with anyone who is not a friend. Forums are a bit different, because we share certain interests but at the same time the emotional commitment at a forum is very different from analog (real) friendship. A forum is a bit more like a marketplace of ideas, a venue of voluntary association, so more of a community, albeit "virtual", than a group of houses in a cul-de-sac. And no, I'm not anti-social or introverted, generally a pretty friendly guy, I have a great relationship with my neighbor - we share recipes, tools, sometimes I hire him for jobs around the house (he's an electrician), but we don't share meals as families and it's mutual 8-)

Re: Some familiar names are very quiet...

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 9:31 am
by toomanycats
TVvoodoo wrote: Thu Oct 29, 2020 12:12 pm I check in daily, try to add something at least every few days. I feel like I am missing the traditional engaging content to keep me here exploring. NGDs, songs, projects. Guilty of not adding much of those myself. No NGDs, had a NAD coming, (spark), but after they started showing up all over the place for folks who ordered months after I did, I cancelled, they paid me back immediately. I don't think they wanted the trouble of sending to me where I am. I am working on a tele project... but it's slow, while I'm fighting to earn every buck I can. I too find posting here more of a PITA due to how it seems to be set up. log in every time, even if I've been in a few minutes prior. Go to full editor, cut/paste each pic link. Not complaining about it, it is what it is, still grateful we even have what we have.

I've been scrambling a bit, trying to cobble up some income. I've joined another guitar forum for fresh eyes, which has been worthwhile. I think I might have to keep doing that - but every time I do, its such a time suck to gain a presence and win people over - Started up on F-book, instagram - doesn't seem worth the effort... yet, for all the time it eats up. Also seems to be really slow on my internet service... like there is so much data mining goin on in the background or something... forever waiting to open bullshit "you need to boost this post" notifications - Also been getting firewood laid in for the winter.

I don't know what else to say, that's where I am. Still here, just reduced presence. I still love you my brothers! For all you suffering physical health issues, and family too.... maple flavoured MOJO sended! None of us are getting any younger.
If it makes you feel any better, you should know that the other day I put a pair of your "Well Hung"™ strap buttons on my Gibson Les Paul Historic. I've owned that guitar for fourteen years and have never changed a thing on it but strings. Never intended to change anything either.

But I gig with it most every weekend and I've recently had a couple real close calls with a red rubber Grolsch strap lock popping off, in which case I get a quick reflex test. Scary sh*t indeed. If you've never seen the strap buttons on a Gibson Les Paul Historic, they are teenie tiny little things. I had to do something to avert disaster.

That's when I remembered that I had them big ol' honkin' "Well Hung" jobbers of your's stashed away in a drawer somewhere. Used the same Gibson screws, but just swapped the original buttons for yours. No worries now. So thanks for that. :D

Re: Some familiar names are very quiet...

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 2:11 pm
by TVvoodoo
[mention]toomanycats[/mention] ^ that is great to know - but I am scared for you. Strap doubt totally sucks and you should be careful, because I don't know which version you have -

Version-1 if the screwhead is too small, it can pull right out of the button. This is why I always told folks to use the supplied larger diameter screwheads with all versions. I think it was @zisme who tried this and learned his lesson.

If you have Version 2, the barrel of the button is quite a bit longer, which means you now have quite a bit less screw threads biting into the wood than you did before - again you are much better off using the supplied and recommended screw, or at least compensating with another with another 1/4" of length minimum.

Please check, because I would not want to have you suffer any kind of security problem due to your choice.

Re: Some familiar names are very quiet...

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 11:23 pm
by tlarson58
Gear_Junky wrote: Mon Nov 02, 2020 9:09 am
tlarson58 wrote: Mon Nov 02, 2020 1:29 am ...I used to love this forum but I've socially distanced myself at work and in the community...
I enjoy being socially distanced from coworkers. They had this stupid corporate claptrap going where they gave us surveys asking if you have "a best friend at work", forcing us to "engage", department picnics, happy hours, a bunch of them yapping and laughing near my cubicle, etc. Team work is fine, but I don't need/want to spend an extra second with coworkers that is not work-related. "Community" to me is a meaningless word, it's a false construct when referring to a geographic concentration of residents. When people willingly come together based on some shared values, that's community. Bbvv
I love my coworkers. My field attracts like-minded people (caring and a bit too looney for most employers).

... and I love my Community (with a capital "c"). Any long-time AGF'ers will attest to that. Our town's high rate of volunteerism is a reflection of our shared values.

That's my rebuttal.

Re: Some familiar names are very quiet...

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2020 12:06 am
by motowntom
I feel a big part is total participation is way down. There are no shows , local or national acts, no shows, interest falls off.

Re: Some familiar names are very quiet...

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2020 12:37 am
by Mossman
I'm in a similar situation as [mention]nomadh[/mention]. I've been busy as a one-armed paper hanger at work since the pandemic hit, and I haven't had a social life since I moved to California (I'm not anti-social, I'm gregarious as hell, but it's hard to meet people when you don't know anybody), so I already felt isolated before Covid came along. It doesn't feel like my life has changed very much, except I have a little more money and I have to put a stupid placebo on my face every time I walk into a public place. :|

In my free time, I've been really motivated to get comfortable with recording and making videos, and I've recently been getting back to playing more bass after playing guitar almost exclusively for the past 6 or 7 years. I never realized how much I missed playing bass until I committed myself to learning the bass line to "Something" for that video. It's opened up another channel of creativity. I've been coming up with basslines like crazy ever since! Basslines that can be turned into songs (I've never used the bass as a song-writing instrument before). I've also gotten interested in doing voice-over work, and I've been spending a lot of time learning about that, and arranging my space into a viable, amateur studio, instead of just a room with a bunch of random gear in it. :lol:

I still check in here at least once a day... Sometimes more. I don't always post, and indeed, I've noticed that it's been kinda quiet around here, but it hasn't concerned me too much. As has been mentioned; there were slow times on the old forum as well. There were times when I've disappeared for a month or two, and when I came back, everything was pretty much the same. There's always been an ebb and flow of activity on AGF.

I'm not at a loss for ideas to stimulate chatter around here. I've got more than a few threads that I plan to post... but the way I write, that stuff takes a lot of time, and I need to keep rolling with this creativity and learning while I've got the gumption!

Re: Some familiar names are very quiet...

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2020 11:14 am
by nomadh
motowntom wrote: Tue Nov 03, 2020 12:06 am I feel a big part is total participation is way down. There are no shows , local or national acts, no shows, interest falls off.
As not a major bass player I could totally see how starting wit ha bass line would be a great way to start writing a song. Probably most of my good guitar riffs could have been a bass line.

Re: Some familiar names are very quiet...

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2020 2:04 pm
by jtcnj
Hey all!
I have been busy mostly yelling at kids to get off my lawn, and work (essential) has been busy.
I have not been GASsing for anything and also just laying low and not spending.
I mostly visit here during the work day as time allows, sometimes at home when I want to listen to audio you guys post.

Been playing for an hour or so most days, focusing on improving technique; getting better at playing stuff I already know.
Timing, string ring outs and muting, etc.

Never enough time as there are always home to-do lists that never end, and I have been working throughout except for some Fridays we were furloughed early on.

Been hugging and telling my family and dogs I love them even more often.

Hope all you that have experienced challenges come through ok.
Be well, and try to "live a little" each day, my friends.

Re: Some familiar names are very quiet...

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 1:24 am
by Mossman
nomadh wrote: Tue Nov 03, 2020 11:14 am
motowntom wrote: Tue Nov 03, 2020 12:06 am I feel a big part is total participation is way down. There are no shows , local or national acts, no shows, interest falls off.
As not a major bass player I could totally see how starting wit ha bass line would be a great way to start writing a song. Probably most of my good guitar riffs could have been a bass line.
I'll assume that you meant to quote me in that post. :)

Bass is good for writing melodies, but I think you need a chordal instrument to really write a proper song. Before I learned to play guitar, I wrote songs on keyboards. Since the accordion was my first instrument, it seemed like a logical way to go...

And Geddy Lee played bass and keyboards.

Also, I'd rather come up with a bass line for a chord progression than come up with a chord progression for a bassline. It might be interesting to try it though, if I can map out an entire song on bass and see what chords would fit in there. But it'll certainly put a strain on what little music theory I still remember. :lol:

Re: Some familiar names are very quiet...

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 4:36 am
by SamIV
I don’t visit or post like I used to. In the beginning for me, I was here and posting multiple times of day on the old forum. When you posted a NGD, multiple reply’s would follow. Now it’s meh. Participation for all here has diminished.

I still visit a few times a week, but rarely post. Seems most of the enthusiasm has left the building. Hopefully that will change. I just got a new used guitar, yeah because I really needed another. The gas is still here, but that seems to be less as well. Maybe I’ll post a NGD and see if it gets more than 5 reply’s.

Re: Some familiar names are very quiet...

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 11:32 am
by OMB
SamIV wrote: Wed Nov 04, 2020 4:36 am I don’t visit or post like I used to. In the beginning for me, I was here and posting multiple times of day on the old forum. When you posted a NGD, multiple reply’s would follow. Now it’s meh. Participation for all here has diminished.

I still visit a few times a week, but rarely post. Seems most of the enthusiasm has left the building. Hopefully that will change. I just got a new used guitar, yeah because I really needed another. The gas is still here, but that seems to be less as well. Maybe I’ll post a NGD and see if it gets more than 5 reply’s.
Hey Sam - hope you are well. The question is...are you playing much. I have always been on and off. After my last guitar (Gretsch) purchase I went back in OFF mode again. Been cleaning up a LOT of projects. Deciding who to choose to paint my house is my last (that I am aware of-knock on wood) big issue and expense.

Re: Some familiar names are very quiet...

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 11:43 am
by Gear_Junky
SamIV wrote: Wed Nov 04, 2020 4:36 am I don’t visit or post like I used to. In the beginning for me, I was here and posting multiple times of day on the old forum. When you posted a NGD, multiple reply’s would follow. Now it’s meh. Participation for all here has diminished.

I still visit a few times a week, but rarely post. Seems most of the enthusiasm has left the building. Hopefully that will change. I just got a new used guitar, yeah because I really needed another. The gas is still here, but that seems to be less as well. Maybe I’ll post a NGD and see if it gets more than 5 reply’s.
Funny, my last NGD thread has exactly 5 replies, but to be fair I only posted the "as is" pictures and it's a used guitar. And I didn't post all details as I was still negotiating with the seller over some issues. My thread about Squier Bullet Tele turned into 3 pages of replies. The way to do that is to post multiple replies of your own with pictures and additional details :mrgreen:

Personally I post threads like that in order to document stuff in one place (like mods), so that I can easily find it in the future (a tactic that was shot in the foot by MoMo). And when others chime in with useful info, that makes it all the more better-er :roll:

I agree that there's some participation reluctance... but I would also observe that those who say that need only look in a mirror ;) I'm certainly doing my part and I've seen many multi-page threads with good banter and useful info or good pictures of mods and new guitars. I don't count threads where we argue about pointless things. And we even had a thread that was promptly locked - a sure vital sign of life :lol:

Re: Some familiar names are very quiet...

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 4:37 pm
by nomadh
Gear_Junky wrote: Wed Nov 04, 2020 11:43 am
SamIV wrote: Wed Nov 04, 2020 4:36 am I don’t visit or post like I used to. In the beginning for me, I was here and posting multiple times of day on the old forum. When you posted a NGD, multiple reply’s would follow. Now it’s meh. Participation for all here has diminished.

I still visit a few times a week, but rarely post. Seems most of the enthusiasm has left the building. Hopefully that will change. I just got a new used guitar, yeah because I really needed another. The gas is still here, but that seems to be less as well. Maybe I’ll post a NGD and see if it gets more than 5 reply’s.
Funny, my last NGD thread has exactly 5 replies, but to be fair I only posted the "as is" pictures and it's a used guitar. And I didn't post all details as I was still negotiating with the seller over some issues. My thread about Squier Bullet Tele turned into 3 pages of replies. The way to do that is to post multiple replies of your own with pictures and additional details :mrgreen:

Personally I post threads like that in order to document stuff in one place (like mods), so that I can easily find it in the future (a tactic that was shot in the foot by MoMo). And when others chime in with useful info, that makes it all the more better-er :roll:

I agree that there's some participation reluctance... but I would also observe that those who say that need only look in a mirror ;) I'm certainly doing my part and I've seen many multi-page threads with good banter and useful info or good pictures of mods and new guitars. I don't count threads where we argue about pointless things. And we even had a thread that was promptly locked - a sure vital sign of life :lol:
Exactly. Its a way to share and self document. And it all went to hell with momo. Harmony central did it to me also. Such good detail. Lots of work. Good responses. Now it hardly feels worth the effort.

Re: Some familiar names are very quiet...

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 4:48 pm
by Gear_Junky
nomadh wrote: Wed Nov 04, 2020 4:37 pm Exactly. Its a way to share and self document. And it all went to hell with momo. Harmony central did it to me also. Such good detail. Lots of work. Good responses. Now it hardly feels worth the effort.
I hear ya there, there's no denying that. I've lost data in my own PC several times (hardware failure, a nasty ransomware) and even though I had backups somewhere, I never even restored. Just started over and moved onward. Needless to say I didn't pay the miscreants who created the ransomware.

To be sure, it's frustrating, but I am interested enough to want to see new guitar days, pictures, mods, etc. It's a nice outlet along with the actual musical projects.

Re: Some familiar names are very quiet...

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 7:44 pm
by SamIV
OMB wrote: Wed Nov 04, 2020 11:32 am
SamIV wrote: Wed Nov 04, 2020 4:36 am I don’t visit or post like I used to. In the beginning for me, I was here and posting multiple times of day on the old forum. When you posted a NGD, multiple reply’s would follow. Now it’s meh. Participation for all here has diminished.

I still visit a few times a week, but rarely post. Seems most of the enthusiasm has left the building. Hopefully that will change. I just got a new used guitar, yeah because I really needed another. The gas is still here, but that seems to be less as well. Maybe I’ll post a NGD and see if it gets more than 5 reply’s.
Hey Sam - hope you are well. The question is...are you playing much. I have always been on and off. After my last guitar (Gretsch) purchase I went back in OFF mode again. Been cleaning up a LOT of projects. Deciding who to choose to paint my house is my last (that I am aware of-knock on wood) big issue and expense.
How are you? Hope all is well. I still play, due to working away from home and nothing else to do. Doing a lot of work on my guitars as well. Fret leveling and nut work in some of my new acquisitions. Interested in putting some Gretsch style pickups in my new Ibanez semi hollow.

I do go home on the weekends and my wife has plenty of projects for me like your house painting. Seem to never stop spending on my house as well. Changing out a patio cover and columns on the porch. Not me on those though. Stay well.

Re: Some familiar names are very quiet...

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2020 12:07 am
by DonM
My wife passed away, I had cancer, and the Covid flu-thing all hit at the same time. I would certainly like to forget this year.

Re: Some familiar names are very quiet...

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2020 2:25 pm
by Gear_Junky
DonM wrote: Sat Nov 07, 2020 12:07 am My wife passed away, I had cancer, and the Covid flu-thing all hit at the same time. I would certainly like to forget this year.
I'm sorry to hear that, hang in there. I agree with you.

"Hindsight is 2020" - was a widely misunderstood message from a time traveler from the future. (I saw this somewhere else).

Re: Some familiar names are very quiet...

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2020 9:05 pm
by JimyTheAssassin
@DonM I’m so sorry to hear this year has been especially difficult for you. The weight of this must be absolutely crushing. Mojo sent your way. Just keep strumming.

Ya I haven’t been here much either and it’s a mix of things. Like many of you, I’ve been extra busy ever since Covid hit. My stay at home duties increased with home schooling, and I also do instacart for extra household income. There’s no end of things that need my attention around here so projects and practice have taken a back seat. I don’t think this is a permanent cycle though. It’s just what’s happening right now. I miss contributing and sharing as well as seeing everyone else’s updates. But I’m glad to hear many of you are still checking in

Re: Some familiar names are very quiet...

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2020 9:27 pm
by fullonshred
DonM wrote: Sat Nov 07, 2020 12:07 am My wife passed away, I had cancer, and the Covid flu-thing all hit at the same time. I would certainly like to forget this year.
I am really sorry Don, for all of it. You seem like a good dude to me, and I hope you have better days ahead. Prayers and best wishes coming your way.

Re: Some familiar names are very quiet...

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2020 11:04 pm
by MattS
DonM wrote: Sat Nov 07, 2020 12:07 am My wife passed away, I had cancer, and the Covid flu-thing all hit at the same time. I would certainly like to forget this year.
I'm very sorry to hear about your loss and suffering, [mention]DonM[/mention] . I can't really imagine what you are going through, but just thinking about it and imagining myself in your place makes my heart hurt and brings tears to my eyes. I'm very sorry.
