At the 5:39 mark in this video, this guy whips out a PRS Custom 24 and shows you the pickup selection options. I can follow diagrams, but I don't fully understand how they work - so I would love to have the full (idiot proof) wiring diagram for this. Alas, my Google-Fu has failed me. Does anyone know where to find a diagram I can use for the same switching, but with common components (not a rotary switch)?
EDIT to add: I'm intending to use 5 wire humbuckers.
Glad you found what you were looking for. I'd describe myself the same way - I can follow diagrams but I don't read schematics and I still get confused by circuits because they work a bit different from how we think about it conventionally. I've done guitars with phase switching and coil splitting (5-way humbuckers) without a clue, just diagrams. Lately I've been trying to grasp exactly how each component works, so I can stray outside of available diagrams if needed. Lindy Frailin's write-ups have helped me with understanding volume/ton controls and 3- and 5-way blade switches. I still have a lot to learn, but most of my upcoming projects have toggle switches. Enjoy the project