Fixing the USB on my SCX2

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Finally fixed the USB connection on my Super Champ X2, something Fender should have done instead of the terrible USB PCB design they did originally...

I installed a USB port like one would see on a Boat or some other outdoor type installation, connected directly to the pins instead of SMD BULLCRAP.

So now I have a chassis mounted USB jack, that is pretty much bulletproof.

Please ignore my horrible use of solder. I got lazy after the Nth time desoldering when I realized I should break out the DMM to do a continuity check and found I bridged the pads on the stupid USB PCB. Didn't feel like cleaning up the ugly solder after I removed the extra connectors that I didn't need because I was reading the schematic wrong...
2022-10-10 17.54.26.jpg
2022-10-10 17.54.09.jpg
This is hopefully the last repair on this amp (did the power switch back when I first bought it in early 2020).
10 years, 2 months, and 8 days of blissful ignorance ruined by that snake in the grass Major Tom.
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Steamboat Springs, CO
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