Ok this looks interesting and affordable
I plan renting a small apartment in Bangkok towards the end of the year simply because Bangkok is a great city and living in the burbs in a gated development I miss out on so much of life. GF is currently working 2 hours away and now at the house only on weekends (she manages 2 large Retail Malls). The plan is to set up a "pied de terre" in the city during the week and spend weekends at the 'country" house ( ). But I don't want to move all the guitar stuff, esoecially the amp to a small apartment where I can't crank it anyway.
.....Enter the Pod Express and NUX mini BT amp that I already own. I plan to grab a different guitar (once I buy more of course) each week to be my "pied de terre" guitar for the week. This way I'll have a setup in the city and a rig in the burbs for louder playing.
About 200 bucks seems quite decent for the this unit.