new ehx ripped speaker fuzz pedal

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I love some fuzz pedals and have owned over 30 the past few years and this is only newish one in the past few years I'm actually thinking about buying. Never been a huge fan of ehx pedals they have some decent pedals but this sounds pretty good to me . Can do clean or dirty if needed just want to hear a few more reviews of it before pulling the trigger.
On bass its a fart box lol I'm sure it would sound good on bass if you cranked the fuzz more, I'll have to say worst bass example of a pedal ever lol.

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That bass tone was just awful!

I like the rest though... especially the lead tones.

Dooooo it.... dooooo it....
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I will say that the bass tone is not a terrible reproduction if this is what you were going for:
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Could be good, Will it be open 3-D sounding, or compressed like a flat wall? Hard to know.
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