NAD - Revv D20

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I actually got this maybe a month or so ago, but December involved a lot of adulting, so I didn't get a ton of time with it until last week. The amp has a TON of features and options and I'm not remotely close to working my way through all of them. But since it's probably going to take me months to get through everything at my current pace, I figured I could start the thread here and update as I go. Given my general wordiness, this thread is probably going to take me a while (it took me almost a week to finish this post).

TL/DR: I'm still very much in the honeymoon, but this thing kills. It's exactly what I wanted for a home practice/recording solution.

And now, the details. It looks like this: ... etail1.jpg
It is an all tube head. Mine came loaded with TAD 6v6 and JJ 12AX7 tubes. It has 20 watt and 4 watt settings. 3 band EQ with gain and volume controls as any normal amp (gain knob pulls out for a gain boost). It has an effects loop and works with 4-16 ohm cabs.

It also has a Two Notes Torpedo built in. The Torpedo is a load box, so you do not need a cab. It has a headphone jack on the front (with its own level control) and a DI on the back. The rotary switch on the front allows you to select between 6 virtual cabs you can save onto the amp. It also has MIDI control (if you use MIDI you can apparently save up to 128 preset cabs; I don't know how to use MIDI and 6 cabs already seems like too many so I don't know how much I'm going to explore this option). You can apparently load other IR's into the torpedo (they don't have to be Two Notes cabs) but I haven't done this either.

I got mine from Sweetwater during the Christmas sale (and my rep got me a deal even better than the sale price, which was sweet). They all come with 12 cabs from Two Notes, and because it was the Christmas deal, I got another free cab pack. The Torpedo only works with the amp, however. If you want to use the Two Notes cabs as a plugin into your DAW without the D20, you need to buy Wall of Sound (they're clear about this up front; I knew this was the deal). Wall of Sound was $40, and I do want to use my DAW, so I grabbed that. Wall of Sound also came with a free cab pack. There was some overlap among the free packs, but at the end of the day I ended up with 31 different cabs. It will take months for me to audition them all I think.

While I haven't had the time to work over all the features, what was most important to me at the outset was just to play the amp as an amp, without any of the bells and whistles and digital options. I spent a few hours plugged straight in to the amp, straight into my 1x12 cab (WGS Reaper) with no pedals and none of the Digital tricks. I rotated my three favorite guitars through: a stock Gretsch 5622T, my AL2K with Buddha-wound PAF pickups and an Affiinity Tele with Bootstrap Extra Crispy pickups.

It is an incredibly clean amp. Even with the gain dimed (but boost off), I'm barely getting breakup. None of my pickups are terribly hot, so that certainly will play into it. But even the humbuckers are just a little hairy. With the boost engaged, and dimed, it does a very nice low gain crunch. But you're never playing Van Halen on this amp without a pedal. I was somewhat disappointed in this at the start, but it's become less of an issue the more I use it. First, it's designed to be a pedal platform and I knew that going in. Second, and more important to me for now, the EQ knobs are pretty powerful, but they need some gain to get working. With the master way up and the gain way down, the tone controls have less practical effect to my ears. With the gain up some and the master down, you can get the same volume and breakup levels but the EQ knobs become much more powerful. I don't think it sounds exactly like anything else, but it is a 2 6v6 20 watt amp. If you crank the bass and treble and cut the mids, you get into the Deluxe Reverb kind of sound. If you boost the mids but cut the bass, it gets nice and Tweed-ish. You wouldn't get confused between this and an original, but there are a lot of good clean sounds in here. I do NOT think 'everything at noon' is necessarily the way to go. I thought everything at noon sounded a little flat and dull. But with a little tweaking, I was really pleased with the cleans.

With pedals, the amp just explodes. Because the EQ is so sensitive, you can tailor the amp to whatever pedals you're playing. I like edge of breakup tones and I have a Lovepedal Amp 11 (a Timmy-style OD with a switchable boost). Amazing. Incredibly sensitive to pick dynamics with a rich, beautiful sound. I also have a Ramble FX Marvel Drive for Marshall tones. Amazing. It doesn't really do the hot-rodded JCM thing, but for classic Marshall tones, this was fantastic. Reverb and delay sound great in front or in the loop. I've only run a couple of fuzz pedals into it, but they both sounded great too. Basically, every pedal I tried sounds as good or better through this amp than ever before. I have definitely not run all my pedals through it yet, but it's taken everything I've thrown at it like a champ so far.

I am not very far along with going through all the bells and whistles, but the flexibility I've encountered so far is amazing. First of all, it has a headphone jack. You can just plug in headphones and play a really great sounding tube amp. The headphone jack sounds great. I am no IR wizard by any stretch, and I did not get a virtual cab with a WGS Reaper inside, so I don't have a direct comparison of the virtual cabs to a real cab, but the virtual cabs I do have sound great. I don't have a ton of experience with other speakers anyway, so I couldn't tell you that their Greenback cab sounds exactly like a real Greenback cab, but the virtual cabs sound different enough from each other to be able to recognize a difference. One or two of the presets sounded kinda muffled, but most did not, and I did not play with the EQ on any of them (you can deep dive and edit the IR in a LOT of ways, none of which I've done yet beyond changing virtual mics).

The DI into my interface is easy as pie and sounds as good as the headphone out. The wall of sound plugin works seamlessly with Garageband. I recorded a couple of quick clips yesterday (both dry) and hope to spend some time just auditioning the different cabs through the same loops to try to make sense of all the cabs. This will take time.

Because of all the connection options, I've had a little fun with setups. I also have a PA speaker that doubles as a crappy karaoke machine for the kids, but has an XLR input. I ran the D20's DI into the PA speaker, the headphone tap into my interface, and connected my 1x12. I had the cab set for 4 watts and the PA speaker kinda loud. Most of the tone (including the virtual cab) came through the PA speaker. The cab added some nice air movement and low end thump in the room. The headphone out recorded it all. Very pleased. Really, really pleased.

So I know it all works and I know it all sounds good. The optimization is going to take some time. For every virtual speaker cab, you get 6-10 mic options. You can put two mics on every cab. You can move the mic locations. You can add a noise gate. There's a regular EQ or a parametric EQ for each cab. You can add a compressor. The cabs all have 'contour' knobs - I don't even know what this means; does anyone know what a cab's 'contour' would affect? Low end? And with every cab you can, if you choose, defeat the D20's actual 6v6 power section and replace it with a virtual 6L6 or EL34 power section (that's the little 'Pre/Post' button on the front of the amp). No idea about this, but I have this dream of the Marvel Drive doing Marshall grind with the virtual EL34 through 4x12 Greenbacks. In this dream I am very happy. I am looking forward to trying this.

Does anyone have experience with the Two Notes cabs? Any in particular you love/hate? Any ideas on tweaking? I really don't know where to begin.

Happy New Year y'all.
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For anyone curious, this is a little chart I put together of all the cabs I got.

Two Notes name - Configuration - Model
Angl 60C 4x12 closed Engl 412SS; Celestion V12-60
Bass Beast 4x10 closed Zilla Cabs; Celestion BN10-200X
BDeluxe 1x12 open Blues Deluxe; Eminence Special Design
Blue Closed 2x12 closed Celestion Alnico Blue cab
Brit VintC 4x12 closed Marshall Slash cab; Celestion Vintage 30
Dynadream 2x10 open Revv Dynamis; WGS ET10
Eddie 2x12 closed Peavey 5150; Peavey Sheffield Pro 1200
Fastback 25 4x12 closed Marshall slant cab; G12M-25 Greenbacks
Fridge 8x10 Closed Ampeg SVT 810; Eminence Custom 10"
Green Tri 4x12 closed H&K TriAmp; G12M25 Greenbacks
Heaven Top 4x10 closed Eden D410XLE; Eminence Custom 10"
Jazz 120 2x12 open Roland JC120; Roland 12" 60w speakers
JubilV30 2x12 closed Marshall 2550; Celestion Vintage 30
Kerozen 4x12 closed Diezel; Celestion G12K-100
Lone Star 2x12 open Mesa LS; Black Shadows
Lone Star VEL 4x10 open Mesa LS; Jensen Vintage Alnico
Phil X Master Tone 1x10 open Magnatone cab; Jensen special design
RackHeroJP 2x12 closed Suhr Cab; Celestion G12T-75
Recto Std Slant 4x12 closed Mesa Recto; Celestion Vintage 30
Revv 1x12 1x12 closed WGS ET-90
Revv 2x12 2x12 closed WGS Veteran 30
Revv 4x12 4x12 closed WGS ET-90
ShortStack 2x12 closed Marshall 1936 cab; Celestion G12T-75
SilverJen 2x12 open Fender Twin; Jensen C12K
Tanger 30O 4x12 open Orange cab; Celestion G12H
VibroUtah 1x12 open Fender Vibro cab; Fender Utah speaker
Victory Copper 2x12 closed Victory vertical cab; Celestion Alnico Gold
Victory Duchess 4x12 open Victory straight cab; G12M-65 Creambacks
Vintage 30 1x12 closed Celestion Vintage 30 Cab
Voice 30 2x12 open Vox AC30; Celestion Silver Bell
Watt FanC 2x12 closed Hiwatt HG212; Fane Axiom 12-100L

I've tried maybe 8 of them so far. The Fastback 25 and Lone Star 2x12 both sounded great at first blush. The Victory with the Creambacks sounds great too. Again, I can't say if the Lone Star sounds exactly like real Black Shadow speakers, but it sounds great. And I haven't tweaked any of them yet.
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AAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! I've been trying to resist these for quite some time... but.... weakening.....
"Everything works if you let it." - Travis W. Redfish

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Milkman wrote: Mon Jan 03, 2022 12:09 pm AAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! I've been trying to resist these for quite some time... but.... weakening.....
If you have the means, I can't recommend it enough. For home playing and recording, it's exactly what I want.
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