The Microblock 45 arrived here yesterday. Played around with it a bit last night and this morning. I just used headphones so I can't say just how loud it is through a speaker. First it is as small as they say 1/2 " longer and same width as a deck of bee club playing cards twice as thick . Pedal size. They recommend master volume set full , tweak the tone , which is just a mid cut as afar as I can tell.To adjust volume play with the gain and guitar volume. Exactly as is I like it. but it could really use an eq pedal in front. Breakup started at about 2 o'clock with buckers with the p90s closer to 3 o'clock. That was at the point it was hurting my ears through headphones so it does clean well. From the few online reviews it seems to take OD pedals well don't have any so can't say myself.I will say no fx loop so any pedals will go in front which would work for me personally.I'd say if you practice through headpones or could use a pedal sized amp for a jam or practice this could do the trick. I would say though the 101 or which ever one has more tone adjustments may be a better fit for you .
I have always wanted to try one of these little things out. I had an old Crate Powerblock years ago that I wished I would have never gotten rid of but it sounds like this is about a 1/3 of the size.
To give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the gift
Steve Prefontaine
Steve Prefontaine
- redman
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Awesome little pedal sized amp if your qmp blew at a gig just plug it into your amps speaker and its stomp box size so you can just throw it in your gig bag. I really like it and the quality is surprisingly good.
@Spike I have one for sale it's brand new I bought it from MF it was one of their stupid deal of the day things. ... 065d8beabd
@Spike I have one for sale it's brand new I bought it from MF it was one of their stupid deal of the day things. ... 065d8beabd
- andrewsrea
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Live life to the fullest! - Rob
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Laney Mini-ST Lionheart Practice Amp
Happy alleged NAD!
Though I don't see any amps here...
Though I don't see any amps here...
~Formerly LookingDownTheCross~ ... gJr-_D_BwE This is the one I bought. Easier and better than one I could take.